Was there a relationship that I needed to end? Ummmmmmmmm....unfortunately I could scream YES!!! to this question. Thankfully this unhealthy "relationship" that I have basically been holding onto for a year has finally been thrown away (as healthy as it probably could have been).
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A Time for Everything
Was there a relationship that I needed to end? Ummmmmmmmm....unfortunately I could scream YES!!! to this question. Thankfully this unhealthy "relationship" that I have basically been holding onto for a year has finally been thrown away (as healthy as it probably could have been).
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Make a Beautiful and Joyful Noise
My absolute favorite sound in the world is the shrill of two babies screaming "Aunt Ishy!!!" when I ring the doorbell to a house in Cedar Park, TX. I can watch through the side window to see these babies run to the front door to greet me. This shrill noise will always melt my heart, and it will probably kill me when I no longer hear this noise as I arrive at their house.
I got to hear two of my other favorite noises this weekend when my mom laughed loudly during the sermon at church and when my dad shouted his typical "Nice shot!" while sitting at the green of the first hole at the Colonial Golf Tournament.
Not to leave out the other two folks in my immediate family...I love to hear when Todd and Candace "Whoop!" during any Aggie event/TV broadcast that I get to watch with them.
I really wish that I had a recording of certain phrases that each of my grandparents said and recordings of each of their laughs. Although both of my grandmothers had Alzheimer's Disease at the end of their lives and didn't know my name or who I was, the few times I got to visit, I loved to tease them so that I could hear their laugh. They both seemed back to their normal selves when I heard their laugh.
Songs of course take me back to certain parts of my life. I probably have burned holes in certain CDs from listening to a particular song over and over and over and over again....it might be my OCD!! I have recently looked at my iTunes song statistics, and I have listened to some songs like 80 times, and only other songs like 10 times. Those songs that I have listened to 80 times were probably listened to back to back to back for at least 15 times in a row at some point in my life.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Dr. Awesome
I have only read 3 chapters of the book, but Dr. Awesome gives me a lot of hope in doing great things even though I may be shy, introverted, and have a retiring personality. The author discusses how Dr. Awesome was more comfortable with adults than children and grew up a child in an adult world. I often felt the same way while growing up! Although I have come a long way from how shy I was while growing up, I find myself still struggling with being bold when I first meet people.
Dr. Awesome lived in India from 1974-2002. During 1991-1996 she was the only residential missionary in her part of India. She was able to treat patients very much like we treat them in the United States. Dr. Awesome discusses though about how she had to familiarize herself with the medications available in India and spent a whole day hanging out in the hospital pharmacy when she first arrived in India.
She talks about saving a man in 1976 who was biten by a cobra on the hand after trying to catch the cobra to sew its mouth shut. Dr. Awesome really had little confidence that the man would make it, but after 12 vials of anti-venom, the man was on the path to recovery. The book talks about how she prayed with every patient before each surgery and had such a gentleness with teaching the nurses at the Indian hospital....simply amazing!
When probably the most risky thing I did today was stick a Q-tip in my ear (yeah...I know better!), her story of constantly being at risk of getting her Indian medical license denied and revoked makes my life seem pretty boring. I continue to pray for India as I feel that my heart has been touched by two dear Indian friends that God has placed in my life. I also continue to pray that the Lord will provide a chance for me to minister to people here in the Fort Worth area and when He wants me to go to India, the path will me clear.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Cardboard Testimony
Wow...this You Tube video is from a local church in Amarillo that has a pretty amazing pastor and congregation. I have watched this video several times since I received an email about it 3 years ago and it always brings tears to my eyes.
I especially tear up with the cardboard testimonies that state:
Front: Diagnosed with MS May 2007
Back: Worth it
Front: Donna's Neurologist Unchurched
Back: Baptized Easter 2008
Front: Loss of son to suicide
Back: Found God's amazing grace!
Lately I have truly needed a change in heart. I really have been convicted about how I try to portray a perfect Christian on the outside but my heart is hardened and bitter on the inside. I'm not good at sharing my brokenness and being authentic very often, so here you have it.
What would be my cardboard testimony?
Front: People pleaser, Annoying Apologizer, "Self-righteous, Good Christian Girl" trying to earn salvation
Definitely not there yet, but hope for it to say:
Back: God pleaser, Apologies said in true humility, "On fire for God Girl"
Thank you dear Heavenly Father for your abundant love and grace!!
In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Not Settling For Less Than the Best
I recently had an epiphany when dealing with a broken Chi blow dryer. Look at the picture above: there is my newest shiny red Chi blow dryer that even came with a diffuser, my slightly less fabulous blue Chi blow dryer that I travel with, and finally my beat up Chi dryer that has been held together by mailing tape for the past year.
A few weekends ago, I was drying my hair with my ghetto fabulous taped Chi when all of a sudden I smelled a gross burning smell and then the Chi just died. I was slightly bummed, but excited to get the opportunity to open the new box with my red Chi that my parents had bought me two Christmases ago. Yes...for some reason I had guilt about opening the new Chi because I felt that I needed to wait for my ghetto one to die. Well...it miraculously took a full year and a half for it to bite the dust after I was forced to put mailing tape on it to keep it together.
It was a total eye opening experience to use that new red Chi!! It dried my hair faster and straighter, and I have been receiving many more compliments about my hair recently. I give all credit to the little red Chi!
This blow dryer scenario made me think about how much I had been missing out on during the year and a half of using my tattered, taped up Chi.
I began thinking about how there are other areas of my life that I have been settling for a mediocre, less than the best quality.
Let's begin with how often I settle for less than the best by watching TV instead of going to exercise. Is it healthier for me to watch Oprah and know how many sex partners Shirley MacLaine has had in her lifetime or get out and run on the Trinity Trail?!? (Don't judge too much for me watching that Oprah show...I'm a sucker for Shirley since she was Ouiser on my favorite movie Steel Magnolias...but Shirley in real life is not one of my people!) My jiggly arms that wave back at me would tell me to get my act together and MOVE IT!!
Or how I settle by often wasting so many hours each week on Facebook or surfing the internet instead of spending time in God's Word or in prayer. How stupid that I think it is more important reading what a girl that was mean to me in middle school had for dinner (I have seen this on Facebook!) instead of reading my Bible or in prayer!!!
Or how I settle by grabbing the first junk food that is available when I am starving. I get so frustrated at myself that I will scarf down Fritos that were left over after my small group because I am ravenous RIGHT NOW instead of making and eating a healthy, well-balanced meal. Again...my jiggly arms would tell me not to settle for less than the best.
Or how I'm guilty of having unhealthy rationalizations about certain dating situations. Do I continue to talk to the guy who is nice enough and stable but the zip just isn't there?! Or do I continue to dream of what could possibly be with the guy who I had such a spark with (someone call the fire department...just kidding!) but he was irresponsible with my emotions and doesn't really know if he should be dating?!
Now don't get me wrong...I don't deny myself the finer things and settle for less than the best in everything...just settling for less than the best in many areas of my life that are VERY important. Everyone knows that I don't skimp on appliances...I have a Kitchen Aid mixer and blender, Cuisinart coffee maker that grinds my beans, Dyson vacuum cleaner, Shark steam mop, Rowenta iron, and Chi hair blow dryer and flat iron. My car has more bells and whistles than I need. I must use Tide for my whites, Cheer for my colors, and Downy as my fabric softener. I routinely get pedicures. I have an iPhone. I have become addicted to Dior foundation and I really like their mascara (but only buy it every now and then!). Boy I sound high maintenance all of a sudden...
Ok...back on track. I am just beginning to realize how important it is to not miss out on God's absolute best for me in these areas of my life that I struggle with. My life is flying by...and time's wasting. Lord, please help me realize the blessings that come from your absolute best.
Monday, April 11, 2011
A Tea Party Birthday!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Deep Thoughts in March
"September" by Daughtry
"Back to December" by Taylor Swift
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Where are my Training Wheels?!?
So I hope that all my readers watched this sweet video of my nephew, Brennan, and listened very closely. The first thing I want you to notice that my super brave and cute nephew said was "I just can't turn." He successfully keeps riding without training wheels and catches the eye of my super observant and cute niece who states, "Here comes bwother." Brennan then gives himself a pep talk by saying, "Steady....steady." Oh and please notice my brother (Brennan's daddy) closely following the brave little boy. I think that is all the background you need for my post!
After watching this video, I began to think about how there are some large overall themes occurring that are issues in my life.
1. The minute that I heard Brennan say "Steady...steady" on the video, I began to think about the analogy I have in my life where I like to verbally state that I have it all together, but I am an internal disaster. My pea sized brain often tricks me into thinking that if I verbalize that I have it all under control...then I WILL have it all under control. These are horrible lies that set me up to tip my "bike" over because God is the ONLY one in control of my life.
2. Family and friends are wonderful at cheering me on in my life (note Ella's encouraging words to Brennan in the video), but ultimately God is the one who matters. Ella couldn't have saved Brennan from falling off the bike. Only Brennan's daddy (playing God's role in this video) was right there for Brennan to lean on if he needed to fall. God ALWAYS knows the balance I am maintaining in my life.
3. I realized that I am a total "training wheels" kind of girl. Like most Christians, learning to trust in the Lord has ALWAYS been a challenge to me. Poor Brennan states first thing in the video, "I just can't turn." How often in my life am I uncomfortable for God to call me to a new place to turn and ride?!? I pray that the Lord will give me the courage to learn to walk in faith to new places He is calling me to, and that I can learn to ride to these places confidently without training wheels. I want to rid myself of often just giving up, putting my feet down, and refusing to ride any farther. I must trust the Lord to help me master a new skill or new location that He wants me to pursue.
4. Although thankfully Brennan did not fall down in this video, I am going to fall down in all areas of my life. I just pray that I am honorable when I tip over while riding the "bike" of my life. I know that I will fall down when I act in a manner unlike Christ. Whether these "falls" happen to be pride, harsh words, jealousy, apathy, failing to forgive, laziness, or other horrible sins that permeate my life, I pray that I can dust myself off and learn from the scrapes and bruises from these falls.
Matt Redman's song lyrics of "You Never Let Go" came to my mind with the training wheels that I sometimes put on areas of my life.
"And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won't turn back
I know You are near
Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me"
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
OPERATION COTTON: Mission Accomplished!!!
- All of Creation by Mercy Me (hey if it works for Josh Hamilton when he gets up to bat...it can work for me!)
- Better is One Day by Kutless
- Collide by Howie Day
- Cowboy Take Me Away by the Dixie Chicks (aka Corps Boy Take Me Away when I was at A&M)
- Don't Stop Believin' (no need to expand on this awesome song!)
- Friday I'm In Love by The Cure
- I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas (my nephew loves and know this song!)
- Just Dance by I'm not sure...it is The Biggest Loser jazzed up edition
- Let's Hear It For the Boy by I'm not sure...also The Biggest Loser edition
- Party in the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus
- Today Was a Fairytale by Taylor Swift
- Time After Time...also The Biggest Loser edition
- Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell (I ended with this mellow song probably because I didn't have enough energy to reach up to my iPod to change the song. I'm not sure how this got on my running list, but I downloaded this song after watching the opening ceremony at the Vancouver Winter Olympics...so I guess it has some athletic qualities!)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Quit Complaining!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
It's Cookie Time!!

I just returned from Tom Thumb where the Girl Scouts have taken over...it's cookie time!! I saw a cute little Girl Scout who was rolling her eyes at her mother because she was being pressured to be a good salesperson, and you could tell her heart wasn't in it!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Woohoo for 2011 !!!!
- Have a consistent quiet time with the Lord (I had an epiphany over the Christmas break about a theory I have about my walk with the Lord and Brennan and Ella's stretched out Slinky...watch for a later blog post on this!)
- Run another 5K and beat my time
- Run a 10K (most likely late in 2011!!)
- Continue with my weight loss (when hasn't this been on my New Year's resolution list or accomplishments?!?) Maybe I should quantify a number and say be 20 lbs lighter by 12/31/11
- Blog more often. 2010 was a bad blog year for me. I apologize to all friends and family who got cheated out of a birthday post. I just got overwhelmed and those folks who had a birthday from January-July got the short end of the stick!
- Become more adventurous. It wouldn't take much adventure for me to be more adventurous! I want to rid myself of the comments I have received previously in my life such as "I picture you driving a mini-van" or "I don't really see you doing much on New Year's Eve".
- Cook more. Make at least two meals a week...I am aiming low!