As I was reading the blog of an author that I have started to love, Shauna Niequist, I was basically hit by a large piece of wood on the side of the head!
Niequist wrote on her blog about how Dr. Henry Cloud, spoke at her church recently. Dr. Cloud just finished writing a book called Necessary Endings. I haven't read this book, nor has Niequist, but the statement on her blog that truly struck a chord with me was "What's present in your life today that's not in line with what you want for your tomorrow?"
Was there a relationship that I needed to end? Ummmmmmmmm....unfortunately I could scream YES!!! to this question. Thankfully this unhealthy "relationship" that I have basically been holding onto for a year has finally been thrown away (as healthy as it probably could have been).
Was there a relationship that I needed to end? Ummmmmmmmm....unfortunately I could scream YES!!! to this question. Thankfully this unhealthy "relationship" that I have basically been holding onto for a year has finally been thrown away (as healthy as it probably could have been).
So to continue on with this theme....the Forest Gump soundtrack has been fun to listen to in my car this week. I forgot I even had it in my disc changer! Anyway...the song that meant so much to me from this soundtrack was Turn! Turn! Turn! The song takes me back to elementary school music class where we listened to this song via a record player. I digress...the song is straight out of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3...and the most meaningful verse for me now is verse 6..."a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away".
I'm so ready for a new season! I'm excited about the future!!