Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Gentle Friend

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a friend that I am blessed to call my gentle friend! I actually have not officially sent your birthday card (only almost 2 weeks late!!) because I am having some issues getting stamps in the city of Fort Worth...excuses...excuses! Back on track...I am honored to call you my gentle friend, and I am honored to be blood related to you!

I don't know if I can pinpoint the first memory I have of you because you are in so many of my childhood memories! You are my cousin who is six years older than me. You had every excuse and opportunity to ignore me due to our age difference, but you were always so kind to me growing up. I remember how you would take the time to play with me even though I am sure it probably wasn't the most fun activity for you! Boy was I thankful that you paid attention to me!! I unfortunately was closer in age to Todd and Christopher, but as we know, they are crazy!!!

I thought of you as my big sister! I loved it when we had matching outfits! I think we had matching outfits when we went to Disney World together in 1986!! We probably even wore the same size...haha!! You are the skinny bean pole, and I am the chunky monkey!

I unfortunately have one sad memory of you in my past. That sad memory occurred the night before my family moved from Pataskala to Amarillo. I remember that your entire family came over, and you came into my room and we sat on all the large boxes that held my treasures. Little did I know at that young age how different my life would be in Texas. I often wonder what my life would have been like if my family had stayed in Ohio. On to a happier note...

You were always the sweet cousin who let me share your bed whenever we came back to Ohio. I always thought that your water bed was the coolest thing ever! I have fond memories of spending summers with you in Ohio. You got me addicted to One Life to Live and General Hospital. I thought that your life was so glamorous because you could drive, and you read long books for PLEASURE...not for school!

Your personality is so wonderful! You are such a gentle, positive, and fun-loving person. I love your laugh and how you laugh at my stupid comments and jokes! It has been fun to watch you become a mother. What a great job that you have done with sweet Jacob! He has inherited you sweet personality.

I thank God for placing you in my family. What a blessing you are to gentle friend!


Week 4

Oh my goodness...what was I thinking?!?
Patience and persistence...that's what I need!
Eye of the Tiger, It's Your Life, and Don't Stop Believin' are my theme songs!
After accomplishing this goal, I visualize something from Coach in my future!


Sunday, December 6, 2009

The "Phone a Friend" Friend

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a friend that I am blessed to call my "Phone a Friend" friend! I have only known you for about 1.5 years, but it feels like we have been kindred spirits forever! You would roll your eyes at me for calling us kindred spirits, but we must be like Anne of Green Gables since we both have red hair!!

My first memory of you involves Bennigan's on Hulen Street. It is such a tragedy that they tore that building down...the memories! I remember sitting at a table in Bennigan's after Sunday School and not having a soul to talk to! You were sitting a few people away from me, so I decided to say something that probably scared you away from being my friend! I decided to tell my section of the table all about my plans on traveling to North Carolina and the opportunity to visit Mount Airy where Andy Griffith grew up! Little did I know that you probably thought I was the weirdest girl in the world! A few weeks later, I remember coming into church late and asking if anyone was sitting next to you, and you were very welcoming to me! You must have forgotten the Andy Griffith comment! We got to chat a little bit as we walked across the street to Sunday School. Little did I know that you would soon be my very dear friend and my personal "Phone a Friend" with any information that I could ever want!

We then reunited at Julie and Lee's Memorial Day party. I think we both grabbed on to each other because we were the newbies to the group and a little intimidated. We had great conversation at the party! A few days later we ended up going to Cantina Laredo where we truly began our friendship! It was then that I knew you would HAVE to be my kindred spirit...your blog was too awesome to pass up such a friendship!

You are the most creative person that I know! I would love to be a fly on the wall in one of your English or Yearbook classes. I know that your students love you and are so blessed by you as their teacher! You constantly blow me away with your knowledge of what seems to be basically EVERYTHING!! If I was on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and was asked by Regis (or Meredith Vieira) "Which president had a middle name that started with a 'Z'?" or "What was Flo Rida's first single?," you would totally have my back! You will always be my "Phone a Friend!" I think that I probably should have just phoned you to ask the correct punctuation for that last sentence....too many quotation marks I'm afraid!!

You are a hoot to travel with!! You are a hoot to people watch with!! You are a hoot to laugh with (especially when the "silent inhale" laugh occurs)!! I truly can't imagine any activity that you wouldn't make fun!!

Your walk with the Lord also AMAZES me!! The path that you have paved in your Christian walk is a pretty impressive resume and witness (I picture you hitting me hard in the arm now!). Your wise words and biblical knowledge blow me out of the water. You are the coolest seminary graduate that I have ever met!! Your knowledge and wisdom challenges me to strengthen my relationship with the Lord.

I hope that you have a wonderful "Jesus Year" since it is your 33rd year of life! I am so blessed by your friendship!! In the words of "your people" in Louisiana and Steel Magnolias, "You worship the quicksand I walk on!!" Love you!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Week 3

Oh my goodness...what was I thinking?!?
Patience and persistence...that's what I need!
Eye of the Tiger, It's Your Life, and Don't Stop Believin' are my theme songs!