Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sexy Minnesota or Bust!!! (See Explanation Below Please!!)

Let me quickly explain the need for "sexy" before Minnesota in my post. I promise it is nothing dirty! My friend Jessica is the person who named my trip this weekend for me because she too has been to "sexy" Minnesota. She showed me the need of adding this adjective to my trip name since Minnesota isn't exactly the most glamorous destination for a summer vacation. I am SO pumped about heading there though. I will be attending the wedding of my good pharmacy school friend, Julie, in Currie, MN. She will be marrying Mr. Jake Lindberg at Lake Shetek State Park on July 4th! I will be staying with my friends Alisa and Tammy in a cabin located at this lovely state park. I get to wear shower shoes as I bathe this weekend!! This will definitely be a new experience for me!

I also just did some really great research about fun destinations around Lake Shetek. No...it's not the world's biggest twine ball....that's in Darwin, MN (too far north for our adventure!). The awesome destination is Walnut Grove, MN!! I can't believe that I didn't think about this earlier!! It is the home of Little House on the Prairie!! This is just too fun. I got to visit Mayberry in June and hopefully I can visit Walnut Grove in July!! I think I shall dub the summer of 2008 the TV Land Summer. Maybe I will head to Scranton in August to visit Dunder Mifflin.

Many more stories to come!! Keep your fingers crossed that my friend Alisa will stop at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum for me.


Unknown said...

Now if you go visit the LOST island, I am going!!!

Laura Ingalls--I am SO jealous. That is WAY better than Mt. Rushmore.

Call me if you need me to come bail you out of jail, crazy girl.

Amanda said...

Have fun up there with those yankees! I'll have to find out if anything was filmed near Pensacola so you can visit me there and fulfill yet another dream!